Installation for Festivalfilosofia 2012
Modena, Italy
Authors: Roberta Luppi and Fabio Fucci
Layer fibred concrete on a wire netting
cm. 250 X 200 X 140 H

The differences between the two of them do not only concern their age and gender, but also their background: the first is an architect, the other, a sculpture and designer. Together they end up supporting each other and interact in a symbiotic way through all the various phases of their shared work. It is certain that for both the matter and the space are the most important concepts: they communicate through them by creating dynamic forms that, in the suggestive abstraction of the linear plasticism obtained, almost always contain functional potentials that can be easily triggered. They share a methodological idea, it is however the idea that both use the matter to qualify their work: in this case we always consider the organic role of the matter – therefore its dynamism that helps structure the variations of the form. The artists are able to always give a phytomorphic and sometimes a modular development to said matter. In this ability lies the substance of their art: their sculptures are strong forms that can be perceived as transient, not only because gaze and light interact with them variously, but also because they are almost always modular, as if to say natural, as originated from an idea of a changing matter, in a deliberate visual and physical harmony with space (urban or natural).
Nadia Raimondi
Art Curator

S. Carlo and Agata Church, Reggio Emilia, Italy.

The lunula is a figure or an object shaped like a slice of the moon, a portion of a plane enclosed by two arcs of a circle. Lunula is the synthetic term chosen by the authors to present these sculptural works. The works rise from the floor, then rotate, translate, define and are defined by the space and the different perspectives, giving life to different configurations, completed but unfinished forms that dialogue with the air, the light, the look and the thought of the observer. As a multi-faced reality, the two great works combined are reflected in the similarities and are accompanied by differences. The sinuous movements, the curves, the concave and convex spaces crystallize in forms, seemingly born of chance, which reveal an extraordinary design and calculation dimension. We do not perceive the geometry of the work but what we see are two large surfaces like two huge white sheets that after a rapid flight, and moved by the overpowering wind, impose themselves resting on a plane surface.
Mirta Tagliati
Art Curator

Sassuolo (Mo)
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